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Title: Researcher as Subject and Authority of Norm
Authors: Efanova, Larisa Georgievna
Shamjaunova, Margarita
Nguyen Xuan Tin
Keywords: norm-subject; norm-authority; informational function of a norm; regulatory function of a norm; measuring (evaluation) function of a norm; исследователи; норма; ученые
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Future Academy
Citation: Efanova L. G. Researcher as Subject and Authority of Norm / L. G. Efanova, M. D. Shamjaunova, Nguyen Xuan Tin // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2017. — Vol. 26 : Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI 2016) : International Conference, 07-10 November 2016, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 217-223].
Abstract: In this report, we examine the activities of a researcher through the lens of the universal category of a norm, which reflects the idea of the due state of affairs for a class of objects and has a set of properties and functions inherent in any manifestation of the norm. The activity of a present-day scientist is, on the one hand, the object of normalization by the state authorities and social institutions. On the other hand, when acquiring new knowledge, a scientist participates in creating new norms that can affect the lives of many people. Consequently, a scientist in the modern society is simultaneously a source, or authorityof some norms and thesubjectof other norms. The role of a scientist as the subject or authority of a norm becomes apparent when a norm fulfills its main functions, namely informational, forecasting, regulatory and measuring (evaluation) ones. Each of the functions of a norm is implemented because a norm has a set of properties common to the whole category as well as due to the interrelation and interdependence of the functions themselves. A state of affairs compliant with the norm does not usually attract attention; therefore, it is expedient to study the action of a norm using the cases where the norm is not followed. An anomalous situation emerges, if a norm does not fulfill one or several of its functions, because some of the attributes of the situation contradict a certain categorical property of the norm.
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