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Title: Socio-cultural integration of North American Koreans as factor of social well-being
Authors: Vorozhishcheva, Olga Mikhailovna
Giniyatova, Elena Vladimirovna
Dementeva, Elena Evgenievna
Keywords: migration; diaspora; socio-cultural particularities; adaptation; миграция; адаптация; социально-культурная среда; диаспоры; социальное благосостояние
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Future Academy
Citation: Vorozhishcheva O. M. Socio-cultural integration of North American Koreans as factor of social well-being / O. M. Vorozhishcheva, E. V. Giniyatova, E. E. Dementeva // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2017. — Vol. 26 : Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI 2016) : International Conference, 07-10 November 2016, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 1009-1015].
Abstract: The processes of migration and Korean Diaspora formation in North America as factors affecting the improvement of social sustainability are analyzed by the authors. The ethno-cultural characteristic of Korean Diaspora in the USA and Canada is given in this regard. Common and specific features and factors of socio-cultural adaptation of Koreans in the USA and Canada are defined. This analysis proves that Korean Diaspora in the USA and Canada has specific features of different periods and history of formation in recipient countries. It also provides a migration background. Young Korean Diaspora in Canada has not adapted to local living conditions yet and it will be transformed in the future. American Koreans managed to integrate and occupy a niche in the USA. However, ethnic Koreans in both countries have common characteristics. The first characteristic is close relations with representatives of their motherland (friends and relatives on the Korean Peninsula). Korea towns (where people speak only Korean) play the important role for ethnic self-identification and unification of North American Koreans. Religion is another crucial factor of Korean reunification in the USA and Canada. Protestant and Catholic churches are also significant for North American Koreans. Apart from religious functions, churches provide different social and cultural services for better adaptation and integration of Koreans. All these factors help Koreans to become an essential part in the North American society.
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