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Title: The Numerical Simulation of the Shielded Helmholtz Coils System Magnetic Field
Authors: Zatonov, Ivan Andreevich
Baranov, Pavel Fedorovich
Keywords: численное моделирование; электромагнитные поля; катушки Гельмогольца; неоднородности; экранирование
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: EDP Sciences
Citation: Zatonov I. A. The Numerical Simulation of the Shielded Helmholtz Coils System Magnetic Field / I. A. Zatonov, P. F. Baranov // MATEC Web of Conferences. — 2018. — Vol. 155 : Information and Measuring Equipment and Technologies (IME&T 2017) : VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference, November 22-25, 2017, Tomsk, Russia : [proceedings]. — [01038, 8 p.].
Abstract: This article describes the calculation of the magnetic field in the axial direction for the Helmholtz coil. The inhomogeneity of the magnetic field for this coil system is calculated. Authors defined the functional connection of the magnetic flux density in the system center from the antimagnetic shield thickness in two ways: iron and Finemet alloy shield. The dependency graph of the magnetic field inhomogeneity in the center of shielded Helmholtz coils system from the axial coordinate value is estimated.
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