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Название: Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of SiO[2]-Ta[2]O[5] Thin-Film Systems and Powders
Авторы: Malchik, Aleksandra Gennadievna
Litovkin, Sergey Valerievich
Rodionov, Pavel Vadimovich
Kryuchkova, S. О.
Ключевые слова: синтез; физико-химические свойства; тонкопленочные системы; порошки; пленки; тетраэтоксисилан; хлорид тантала; ИК-спектроскопия; термогравиметрический анализ
Дата публикации: 2018
Издатель: IOP Publishing
Библиографическое описание: Synthesis and Physicochemical Properties of SiO[2]-Ta[2]O[5] Thin-Film Systems and Powders / A. G. Malchik [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2018. — Vol. 115 : Ecology and safety in the technosphere : All-Russian research-to-practice conference, 6–7 March 2017, Yurga, Russian Federation. — [012004, 8 p.].
Аннотация: Within the research, SiO[2]-Ta[2]O[5] films from film-forming solutions based on tetraethoxysilane and tantalum chloride (V) are synthesized. Physicochemical patterns and specifics of producing the films are determined by means of IR spectroscopy and thermogravimetric analysis. The processes of SiO[2]-Ta[2]O[5] films formation are studied. Interrelation between SiO[2]-Ta[2]O[5] composition, concentration of incoming components and their physicochemical properties are revealed.
URI: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/47016
Располагается в коллекциях:Материалы конференций

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