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Title: Network Genesis Of Technological Convergence
Authors: Klimovich, M.
Gasanov, Magerram Ali Ogly
Zinchenko, E.
Keywords: converging technologies; NBICS-convergence; network; structural changes; конвергентные технологии; конвергенция; сети; структурные изменения; сетевые структуры; инновационная деятельность; экономика; научные решения
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Future Academy
Citation: Klimovich M. Network Genesis Of Technological Convergence / M. Klimovich, M. A. Gasanov, E. Zinchenko // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2018. — Vol. 38 : Lifelong Wellbeing in the World (WELLSO 2017) : IV International Scientific Symposium, 11-15 September 2017, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 233-242].
Abstract: Under protracted structural crisis conditions the necessity of development of conceptual framework, helping to achieve positive changes of social-economical system of Russian economy, becomes crucial for critical re-evaluation and new scientific decision making. This article describes the issue of transition to prospective technological scheme through development of converging technologies. The meaning of convergent technologies is defined, including their development principles. As pathbreaking scientific-and-technological progress stage a possibility of applying NBIC-convergence is considered, which has been transformed into NBICS-convergence in the context of Russian economical reality, completed with Humanities and Social studies. As the most adapted to converging technologies the author emphasizes network structures as business activity mechanism. Various network structures classifications are considered; network structures classification into educational, scientific and innovation, infrastructural and integration structures has been analysed most closely. Integration network structures are supposed to be the most important nowadays, particularly integration network structures as the most effective and adapted to converging technologies. Converging technologies diffusion in application context can be realized using "Triple Helix" model. Tomsk city is considered to be as a good illustrative example of successful implementation of the "Triple Helix" concept with the main leading universities actively cooperating with the government and real economy business organisations. Necessity for governmental influence in innovative product markets grouping, infrastructure management, improvement of cooperation among research-and-technology process participants, legal system development, as well as creating in whole positive environment for innovative activities is especially emphasized.
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