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Title: The Impact Of Education Level On Some Aspects Of Wellbeing
Authors: Barysheva, Galina Anzelmovna
Nedospasova, Olga Pavlovna
Zhironkin, Sergey Aleksandrovich
Ogunlana Ayodele Oludare
Keywords: education; wellbeing; interpersonal trust; health status; confidence to government; образование; благополучие; межличностные отношения; здоровье; доверие
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Future Academy
Citation: The Impact Of Education Level On Some Aspects Of Wellbeing / G. A. Barysheva [et al.] // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2018. — Vol. 38 : Lifelong Wellbeing in the World (WELLSO 2017) : IV International Scientific Symposium, 11-15 September 2017, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 336-341].
Abstract: This research studies the influence/effect of the education level on various aspects of human wellbeing. From the official statistics of the OECD countries, we conclude that a number of important characteristics of wellbeing (level of interpersonal trust, subjective health assessments, confidence in the government) have a steady tendency to increase in practically all the analyzed countries as the level of education increases among employable citizens (25-64 years). In this paper, we identify the countries, in which various aspects of citizens' wellbeing have been found to reach minimum and maximum values. This analysis accounts for the education levels in accordance with the international description: below upper secondary, upper secondary or post-secondary non-tertiary, and tertiary. The estimated influence of the education level on various aspects of wellbeing appear to be a very promising direction of research for Russia: a country with a traditionally high level of education (of the population). Unfortunately, it is impossible to make a comparative analysis of the impact of education level of the population in Russia on certain wellbeing parameters using the data given in the collected volume Education at a Glance. OECD Indicators 2014. Russia has not joined this group of countries yet. However, the problem of measuring the relationship between the education level of the population and the subjective perception of wellbeing is very important for Russia. In particular, this stems/results from the need to develop a reliable system of indexes that would allow specialists to assess the continuous (lifelong) wellbeing as objectively as possible.
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