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Title: Mobilization Of Human Resources To Increaseprosperity
Authors: Potyagaylov (Potyagailov), Sergey Vitalyevich
Keywords: research tools; methods of evaluation; well-being tools; исследование; методы оценки; благосостояние; людские ресурсы; социально-экономические процессы
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Future Academy
Citation: Potyagaylov (Potyagailov) S. V. Mobilization Of Human Resources To Increaseprosperity / S. V. Potyagaylov (Potyagailov) // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2018. — Vol. 38 : Lifelong Wellbeing in the World (WELLSO 2017) : IV International Scientific Symposium, 11-15 September 2017, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 356-363].
Abstract: At the moment there is a wide variety of tools for assessing the socio - economic status of society. Basically they are based on the notion of well-being. The created tools have their supporters and critics. Basically, the tools are aimed at collecting partial information and have strict boundary conditions. This is due to the structure of the conduct of scientific activity and the complexity of processing a large amount of data. In this article, we will consider the generally accepted evaluation mechanisms in psychology, management, and economics from a different angle. Consideration of criticism of these or those instruments leads us to an integral tool that is capable of solving a number of problems in the classification and evaluation of the necessary socio-economic processes, taking into account the peculiarities of each individual within the society. The basis for discussion will be the Maslow theory, which, within the framework of modernization and merging with the Ishikawa method, will receive a fundamentally different interpretation within the framework of the valuation theory.
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