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Title: Regional Policy In The Field Of Public Health In Russia
Authors: Shibalkov, Ivan
Mikhalchuk, Aleksandr Alexandrovich
Keywords: regional differentiation; life expectancy; public health; demographic policy; regional policy; multivariable statistical analysis; дифференциация; продолжительность жизни; общественное здоровье; демографическая политика; региональная политика; статистический анализ
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Future Academy
Citation: Shibalkov I. Regional Policy In The Field Of Public Health In Russia / I. Shibalkov, A. A. Mikhalchuk // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (EpSBS). — 2018. — Vol. 38 : Lifelong Wellbeing in the World (WELLSO 2017) : IV International Scientific Symposium, 11-15 September 2017, Tomsk, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [P. 426-434].
Abstract: Significant differentiation of socio-economic indicators in Russian regions indicates essential regional differences in initial conditions of demographic development. In recent decades, birthrate and mortality statistics in Russia allow us to speak of positive trends in the changing medical and demographic situation in the country, but general positive trend consists of epidemiological situation trajectories in certain regions, and they can hardly be called similar. However, the analysis of federal and regional normative documents in Russian Federation on health protection of population, and demographic development involves mainly the unified principles and approaches. The primary review of some socioeconomic indicators makes it possible to talk about the existence of different models of health formation in the regions. We conducted a factor analysis of social and economic situation in the regions with subsequent clustering based on the list of selected statistical indicators that allowed us to work out common approaches to improving public health policies for each group of Russian regions considering their main historical, geographical and socio- economic characteristics. Regions of the country are divided into four groups, and for each of them there are some recommendations on socio-economic policies aimed at increasing the average life expectancy. Also, the need to recognize the problem of inequality in health at the federal level was substantiated.
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