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Title: Assessment of commercial potential and prospects of carrying outscientific research from a position of a resource efficiency and resourcesaving
Authors: Zhidov, Sergey
Keywords: relay protection; design; financial management; релейная защита; финансовый менеджмент; проектирование; SWOT-анализ
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Zhidov S. Assessment of commercial potential and prospects of carrying outscientific research from a position of a resource efficiency and resourcesaving / S. Zhidov // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. — 2018. — № 12. — [4 p.].
Abstract: The growth of population leads to the fact that natural resources are being used op very fast. Making our world moreresource efficient is a way to achieve economic and social goals at lower cost. Thus, the implementation of any projectsignificantly depends on economic efficiency and its potential of technology. Nowadays there are different types ofimplementation of relay protection. Thus, to make a project successful it is necessary to choose the most modern, highdemand,knowledge-based variant of implementation of relay protection. In this paper comparative assessment of adesirable development of technological projects based on the implementation of relay protection on the power lines of220kV has been carried out. Moreover, SWOT analysis for microprocessor option of relay protection implementationhas been done.
ISSN: 2312-2978
Appears in Collections:Journal of Economics and Social Sciences

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