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Title: Temperature operating mode of the CuBr+Ne+H2(HBr)-laser at change of pumping
Authors: Shiyanov, D. V.
Yevtushenko, G. S.
Sukhanov, V. B.
Keywords: temperature mode; lasers; pumping; coppers; bromide vapour; active additives; hydrogen; optimal additives; temperature; discharge tubes; walls; buffer gas; working capacity; working substances; active media; bromine; atoms; copper; thermal modes; pulse sequences; high frequencies
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Shiyanov D. V. Temperature operating mode of the CuBr+Ne+H2(HBr)-laser at change of pumping / D. V. Shiyanov, G. S. Yevtushenko, V. B. Sukhanov // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. — 2006. — Vol. 309, № 4. — [P. 60-63].
Abstract: The analysis of a temperature mode of the laser on copper bromide vapour using active additives of hydrogen (bromhydrogen) at change of pumping parameters has been carried out. It is shown that introduction of the optimal additive increases the discharge tube wall temperature from 620 up to 720 °С. The increase of wall temperature 50...60 °С more can occur at change of buffer gas pressure from 3,3 to 13,3 kPa, as well as at increase working capacity twice. It is stated that introduction of the additive raises pressure of working substance vapours in the active media of the laser of average diameter 6,7 Pa more due to interaction of bromine, bromhydrogen with copper atoms settled on the tube wall. The peculiarities of laser thermal mode at high frequencies of pulse sequences (up to 100 kHz) have been considered.
Appears in Collections:Известия Томского политехнического университета. Инжиниринг георесурсов

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