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Title: Reactions of diphenic acid with carbamide as a way to acyclic and cyclic amides of diphenic acid
Authors: Yanovskiy, V. А.
Baturin, D. М.
Yagovkin, А. Yu.
Bakibayev, А. А.
Keywords: reactions; diphenic acid; acyclic amides; cyclic amides; azeotropic distillation; water; aminating agents; reaction products; aminating; imides; amines; monoamide; carbamides; experimental data
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Reactions of diphenic acid with carbamide as a way to acyclic and cyclic amides of diphenic acid / V. А. Yanovskiy [et al.] // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. — 2007. — Vol. 310, № 1. — [P. 140-145].
Abstract: On the basis of reaction of diphenic acid with carbamide in the conditions of azeotropic water distillation a new way of producing acyclic and cyclic amides of diphenic acid has been found. The nature of aminating agent is shown to determine composition of reaction products: at aminating diphenic acid not substituted by carbamide the basic product is imide, whereas at aminating by substituted carbamide and amines it is corresponding monoamide. On the basis of experimental data the mechanism of the reactions is suggested.
Appears in Collections:Известия Томского политехнического университета. Инжиниринг георесурсов

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