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Title: Environmental problem in organization of works related to electroplating of parts
Authors: Malaeva, Ekaterina
Keywords: electronic equipment; galvanic production; ecology; polypropylene; harmful substances
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Tomsk Polytechnic University
Citation: Malaeva E. A. Environmental problem in organization of works related to electroplating of parts / E. A. Malaeva // Journal of Economics and Social Sciences. — 2020. — № 16. — [8 p.].
Abstract: Problem statement: Ecological problem in the application of galvanic coatings during the manufacture of electronic equipment for the Navy. The aim of the work is to analyze the applied galvanic coatings in the manufacture of radioelectronic equipment (CEA) and a description of the environmental problem in the organization of work related to the application of galvanic coatings to parts within the city of St. Petersburg. Novelty: consists in a description of the conflict of legislative requirements regarding licensing of hazardous industries and proposals to rectify the situation. The result: it is necessary to allow enterprises located within the city limits to re-equip galvanic production to improve the ecological condition of the city. Practical significance: improving the environmental situation in the city of St. Petersburg.
ISSN: 2312-2978
Appears in Collections:Journal of Economics and Social Sciences

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