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Title: Non-exciting wakefield structured bunches in a one-dimensional plasma model
Authors: Aginian, M. A.
Arutunian, S. G.
Chung, M.
Harutyunyan, G. S.
Margaryan, A. V.
Moon, K. -J.
Tumanyan, M. A.
Keywords: one-dimensional plasma model; wakefield; charged bunches
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Tomsk Polytechnic University
Citation: Non-exciting wakefield structured bunches in a one-dimensional plasma model / M. A. Aginian [et al.] // Resource-Efficient Technologies. — 2020. — № 2. — [P. 15-22].
Abstract: A model of one-dimensional (1D) cold plasma with an external train of rigidly structured bunches with diverse charges has been introduced. In this model, a solution that cancels the wakefield after the train is found. The density of such bunches can be much greater than the density of the plasma, and a high amplitude electrical field arising inside the train can be used for charged-particle acceleration. In addition, analytical and numerical simulations have been performed.
ISSN: 2405-6537
Appears in Collections:Resource-Efficient Technologies

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