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Title: Влияние параметров измельчения в планетарной шаровой мельнице на кинетику сорбции и десорбции водорода в сплавы на основе магния с добавлением металлорганических каркасных структур
Other Titles: Influence of grinding parameters in a planetary ball mill on the kinetics of hydrogen sorption and desorption in magnesium-based alloys with the addition of metall-organic frame structures
Authors: Курдюмов, Никита
Эльман, Р. Р.
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Кудияров, Виктор Николаевич
Keywords: измельчение; шаровые мельницы; сорбция; десорбция; водород; сплавы; магний; каркасные структуры; металлорганические структуры
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Курдюмов, Н. Влияние параметров измельчения в планетарной шаровой мельнице на кинетику сорбции и десорбции водорода в сплавы на основе магния с добавлением металлорганических каркасных структур / Н. Курдюмов, Р. Р. Эльман ; науч. рук. В. Н. Кудияров // Перспективы развития фундаментальных наук : сборник научных трудов XVIII Международной конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых, г. Томск, 27-30 апреля 2021 г. : в 7 т. — Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2021. — Т. 1 : Физика. — [С. 196-198].
Abstract: Currently, the topic of hydrogen energy has become more relevant due to the global deterioration of the ecological state of the planet, as well as the depletion of raw materials and resources. Many developed countries are beginning to use hydrogen as the main energy direction of the future. It is the most promising candidate among clean energy sources to overcome current challenges related to environmental issues, global warming, etc. due to its high energy density and zero greenhouse gas emissions when used as a fuel. However, the storage of hydrogen is a serious problem when it is used as a clean energy source for hydrogen-powered vehicles. In this paper, the regularity of the influence of the parameters of high-energy mechanical action in a planetary ball mill on the kinetics of sorption and desorption of hydrogen in an alloy based on magnesium hydride and MOFs is studied. The kinetic and thermodynamic properties of the alloy of the resulting alloy should be studied using a special automated complex gas reaction and the mechanisms of hydrogen accumulation should be considered using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. In this paper, the parameters of grinding in the planetary ball mill "AGO-2" selected, the optimal quantitative ratio of MOFs in the alloy for its synthesis is determined, and the main properties of the resulting composite system are determined.
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