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Title: High-Temperature Oxidation of Cr-Coated Resistance Upset Welds Made from E110 Alloy
Authors: Sidelev, Dmitry Vladimirovich
Ruchkin, Sergey Evgenjevich
Kashkarov, Egor Borisovich
Keywords: сварные швы; высокотемпературное окисление; ядерное топливо; сплавы; магнетронное распыление; хромовые покрытия; Zr welds; high-temperature oxidation; nuclear fuel claddings; zirconium-based alloys; magnetron sputtering; chromium coatings
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: MDPI AG
Citation: Sidelev, D. V. High-Temperature Oxidation of Cr-Coated Resistance Upset Welds Made from E110 Alloy / D. V. Sidelev, S. E. Ruchkin, E. B. Kashkarov // Coatings. — 2021. — Vol. 11, iss. 5. — [577, 13 p.].
Abstract: The resistance upset welds (RUW) made from E110 alloy without and with Cr coatings were oxidized in air atmosphere at 1100 °C for 2, 10 and 30 min. The cross-section microstructure, elemental composition and hardness were studied before and after oxidation using optical and scanning electron microscopy, and indentations in welding region. The RUW welding does not noticeably change oxidation kinetics of E110 alloy. The most crucial effect has surface non-regularities formed after welding, which prevent uniform coating deposition on full surface of welded cladding tube and end plug. Cr coating deposition can strongly reduce oxidation of welded E110 alloy, while additional post-processing treatment should be applied to improve surface morphology after RUW welding. Several suggestions favorable to development of ATF Zr-based claddings using Cr coating deposition on welded nuclear rods were discussed.
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