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Title: Influence of the method of synthesis on lead azide photolysis
Authors: Surovoy, E. P.
Bugerko, L. N.
Rasmatova, S. V.
Keywords: synthesis; photolysis; lead azide; lead; kinetic regularities; kinetic curves; speed; initial sites; stationary sites; increased; saturation; preliminary processing; light processing; photocurrent; absorption; long-wave areas; spectral sensitivity; quantum outputs; constants; photosensivity; values; photoemission; volt-ampere characteristics; photoelectrical moving force; contact potential difference; microheterogeneous systems; limiting stages; diffusion; anion vacancies; neutral center
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Surovoy E. P. Influence of the method of synthesis on lead azide photolysis / E. P. Surovoy, L. N. Bugerko, S. V. Rasmatova // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. — 2007. — Vol. 310, № 3. — [P. 56-60].
Abstract: Lead azide irrespective of method of synthesis shows the general kinetic regularities. On kinetic curves of photolysis speed PbN6(Аб) characteristic sites have been defined: initial, stationary, increased and saturation. Time of the sites realization as well as the photolysis speed depends on the way of PbN6(Аб) synthesis. Preliminary light processing of PbN6(Аб) at ?=380 nm and I=2·1015 quantum·sm-2·s-1 in vacuum (Р=1·10-5 Pа) along with increase in photolysis speed and photocurrent in own area of absorption results in appearence of new long-wave area of spectral sensitivity. Quantum outputs and constants of photolysis speed of PbN6(Аб) are determined. It is experimentally stated that the values of photocurrent observed in the field of long-wave threshold of photosensivity coincide with the designed values of photoemission current on the border of PbN6(Аб)-Pb. This fact as well as the measurements results of volt-ampere characteristics, contact photoelectrical moving force, contact potential difference reveals the formation of microheterogeneous PbN6(Аб)-Pb systems (a photolysis product) at photolysis of lead. A limiting stage of PbN6(Аб) photolysis is anion vacancies diffusion to neutral center of Pbn0.
Appears in Collections:Известия Томского политехнического университета. Инжиниринг георесурсов

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