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Название: Photothermocapillary Method for the Nondestructive Testing of Solid Materials and Thin Coatings
Авторы: Zykov, Aleksandr Yurjevich
Vavilov, Vladimir Platonovich
Kuimova, Marina Valerievna
Ключевые слова: фототермокапиллярный эффект; неразрушающий контроль; дефекты; лакокрасочные покрытия; расслоение; поверхностное натяжение; photothermocapillary effect; nondestructive testing; defect; varnish-paint coating; delamination; surface tension
Дата публикации: 2021
Издатель: MDPI AG
Библиографическое описание: Zykov, A. Yu. Photothermocapillary Method for the Nondestructive Testing of Solid Materials and Thin Coatings / A. Yu. Zykov, V. P. Vavilov, M. V. Kuimova // Sensors. — 2021. — Vol. 21, iss. 19. — [6671, 14 p.].
Аннотация: The photothermocapillary (PTC) effect is a deformation of the free surface of a thin liquid layer on a solid material that is caused by the dependence of the coefficient of surface tension on temperature. The PTC effect is highly sensitive to variations in the thermal conductivity of solids, and this is the basis for PTC techniques in the non-destructive testing of solid non-porous materials. These techniques analyze thermal conductivity and detect subsurface defects, evaluate the thickness of thin varnish-and-paint coatings (VPC), and detect air-filled voids between coatings and metal substrates. In this study, the PTC effect was excited by a “pumped” Helium-Neon laser, which provided the monochromatic light source that is required to produce optical interference patterns. The light of a small-diameter laser beam was reflected from a liquid surface, which was contoured by liquid capillary action and variations in the surface tension. A typical contour produces an interference pattern of concentric rings with a bright and wide outer ring. The minimal or maximal diameter of this pattern was designated as the PTC response. The PTC technique was evaluated to monitor the thickness of VPCs on thermally conductive solid materials. The same PTC technique has been used to measure the thickness of air-filled delaminations between a metal substrate and a coating.
URI: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/71098
Располагается в коллекциях:Репринты научных публикаций

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