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Title: Validation of positive-sequence modeling of large-disturbance stability in a distribution network with distributed generation using the hybrid comprehensive simulator
Authors: Suvorov, Aleksey Aleksandrovich
Askarov, Alisher Bakhramzhonovich
Andreev, Mikhail Vladimirovich
Gusev, Alexander Sergeevich
Keywords: стабильность; энергосистемы; распределенная генерация; гибридное моделирование; валидация; прямая последовательность; распределительные сети; симуляторы; cross-validation; power system stability; distributed generation; hybrid simulation; positive-sequence simulation
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: IEEE
Citation: Validation of positive-sequence modeling of large-disturbance stability in a distribution network with distributed generation using the hybrid comprehensive simulator / A. A. Suvorov, A. B. Askarov, M. V. Andreev, A. S. Gusev // IEEE Access. — 2021. — Vol. 9. — [P. 65216-65233].
Abstract: One of the general trends in power industry is the penetration of distributed generation (DG) units. The ongoing transformation of electric power systems (EPS) due to this penetration leads to a significant change in the properties of power systems. The problem arises in the ensuring stability of distribution system with DG units and EPS as a whole, especially in the case of large disturbances. The main way of solving this problem is positive-sequence phasor time-domain simulation. However, the known simplifications and limitations are inevitably applied at such simulation. In this regard, the obtained simulation results need to be validated. This paper proposes an alternative approach for validation of processes calculations, based on the use of a benchmark tool instead of field data. The hybrid simulator is proposed to use as a benchmark tool, because such simulator allow to obtain comprehensive information about a single spectrum of wave, electromagnetic, electromechanical processes in power system in cases of different large disturbances. That makes possible to identify the impact of the applied simplifications and limitations in the positive-sequence simulation on the reliability of power system stability assessment in the case of large disturbances. The studies presented in this paper were carried out using the scheme of distribution system with DG units, which is part of a real EPS. The obtained results demonstrate the arising errors in stability calculations, the nature of their changing and causes of occurrence, as well as factors affecting them.
Appears in Collections:Репринты научных публикаций

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