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Title: Demand Response Coupled with Dynamic Thermal Rating for Increased Transformer Reserve and Lifetime
Authors: Daminov, Ildar Bolatovich
Rigo-Mariani, Remy
Caire, Raphael
Prokhorov, Anton Viktorovich
Alvarez-Herault, Marie-Cecile
Keywords: динамическая оценка; трансформаторы; Demand Response; dynamic thermal rating; flexibility; hosting capacity; transformer
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: MDPI AG
Citation: Demand Response Coupled with Dynamic Thermal Rating for Increased Transformer Reserve and Lifetime / I. B. Daminov, R. Rigo-Mariani, R. Caire [et al.] // Energies. — 2022. — Vol. 14, iss. 5. — [1378, 27 p.].
Abstract: (1) Background: This paper proposes a strategy coupling Demand Response Program with Dynamic Thermal Rating to ensure a transformer reserve for the load connection. This solution is an alternative to expensive grid reinforcements. (2) Methods: The proposed methodology firstly considers the N-1 mode under strict assumptions on load and ambient temperature and then identifies critical periods of the year when transformer constraints are violated. For each critical period, the integrated management/sizing problem is solved in YALMIP to find the minimal Demand Response needed to ensure a load connection. However, due to the nonlinear thermal model of transformers, the optimization problem becomes intractable at long periods. To overcome this problem, a validated piece-wise linearization is applied here. (3) Results: It is possible to increase reserve margins significantly compared to conventional approaches. These high reserve margins could be achieved for relatively small Demand Response volumes. For instance, a reserve margin of 75% (of transformer nominal rating) can be ensured if only 1% of the annual energy is curtailed. Moreover, the maximal amplitude of Demand Response (in kW) should be activated only 2–3 h during a year. (4) Conclusions: Improvements for combining Demand Response with Dynamic Thermal Rating are suggested. Results could be used to develop consumer connection agreements with variable network access
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