Browsing by Author Abdrachitov, Sergey Vladimirovich
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2015 | Computer modeling of electron-positron pair production by channeling radiation in amorphous converter | Abdrachitov, Sergey Vladimirovich; Dabagov, Sultan; Bogdanov, Oleg Viktorovich; Pivovarov, Yuriy Leonidovich; Tukhfatullin, Timur Ahatovich |
2016 | Computer simulation of electron-positron pair production by channeling radiation in amorphous converter | Abdrachitov, Sergey Vladimirovich; Bogdanov, Oleg Viktorovich; Barasbievich, Dabagov Sultan; Pivovarov, Yuriy Leonidovich; Tukhfatullin, Timur Ahatovich |
2019 | Muon Source Driven by Channeling Radiation | Abdrachitov, Sergey Vladimirovich; Bogdanov, Oleg Viktorovich; Dabagov, S. B.; Tukhfatullin, Timur Ahatovich |
2015 | Orbital angular momentum of channeling radiation from relativistic electrons | Abdrachitov, Sergey Vladimirovich; Pivovarov, Yuriy Leonidovich; Tukhfatullin, Timur Ahatovich |
2019 | Positron Source based on Coherent Bremsstrahlung of 10-50 MeV Electrons | Abdrachitov, Sergey Vladimirovich; Dabagov, S. B.; Kunashenko, Yu. P.; Pivovarov, Yuriy Leonidovich |
2019 | Quantum Approach for Orbital Angular Momentum of Channeling Radiation from 255 MeV Electrons in Thin Si Crystal | Abdrachitov, Sergey Vladimirovich; Bogdanov, Oleg Viktorovich; Kazinski, P. O.; Tukhfatullin, Timur Ahatovich |