Browsing by Author Panin, Sergey Viktorovich

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 44  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20183D printing as a "nature like" method of optimized endoprostheses fabricationShilko, S. V.; Ryabchenko, T. V.; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich; Shalobaev, E.
2020Algorithm for J-Integral Measurements by Digital Image CorrelationTitkov, V. V.; Eremin, Alexandr Vyacheslavovich; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich; Lyubutin, Pavel Stepanovich; Kozulin, A. A.
2017The algorithm of crack and crack tip coordinates detection in optical images during fatigue testPanin, Sergey Viktorovich; Chemezov, V. O.; Lyubutin, Pavel Stepanovich; Titkov, V. V.
2018Analysis of Fracture Characteristic of a Gas Main Pipe on the Basis of the Additive Mathematical Model of the Cyclic Random Process and Polynomial FunctionLytvynenko, I. V.; Maruschak, P. O.; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich; Sorochak, A. P.
2014Analysis of surface relief evolution of polycrystalline aluminum alloy under static deformationMaruschak, Pavlo; Konovalenko, Igor; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich; Bishchak, Roman
2016Application of a Lamb waves based technique for structural health monitoring of GFRP undercyclic loadingEremin, Alexandr Vyacheslavovich; Byakov, Anton Viktorovich; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich; Burkov, Mikhail Vladimirovich; Lyubutin, Pavel Stepanovich; Sunder, R.
2020Application of Laser Welding in Car Bodies ManufacturingVinas, J.; Brezinova, J.; Brezina, J.; Maruschak, P.; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich
2017Application of Lucas-Kanade algorithm with weight coefficient bilateral filtration for the digital image correlation methodTitkov, V. V.; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich; Lyubutin, Pavel Stepanovich; Chemezov, V. O.; Eremin, Alexandr Vyacheslavovich
2015Application of planetary ball mill for manufacturing of shielding composite coatings based on polyester powder paints and carbon fillersPanin, Sergey Viktorovich; Yazykov, S. Yu.; Suslyaev, V. I.; Dorozhkin, K. V.
2017Assessment of Potential Environmental Risks from Saline Soils SubsidencePobereznyi, L. Ya.; Poberezhna, L. Ya.; Maruschak, P. О.; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich
2015Automatic selection of a subset size at vector fields constructionPanin, Sergey Viktorovich; Lyubutin, Pavel Stepanovich; Titkov, V. V.; Cherepanova, M. V.
2016Comparison of mechanical and tribotechnical properties of UHMWPE reinforced with basalt fibers and particlesPanin, Sergey Viktorovich; Kornienko, L. A.; Aleksenko, Vladislav Olegovich; Huang Qitao; Ivanova, L. R.
2018Comparison of structure and tribotechnical properties of extrudable uhmwpe composites fabricated by additive manufacturing technologiesPanin, Sergey Viktorovich; Kornienko, L. A.; Buslovich, Dmitry; Dontsov, Yuriy Vladimirovich; Aleksenko, Vladislav Olegovich
2020Deformation Behavior under Static and Cyclic Tension of Polymer Grafts without and after Modification by RGD PeptidesPanin, Sergey Viktorovich; Antonova, L. V.; Byakov, Anton Viktorovich; Glushkova, T. V.; Krivkina, E. O.; Eremin, Alexandr Vyacheslavovich; Silnikov, V. N.; Barbarash, L. S.
2017Diagnostic features of relief formations on the nanostructured titanium VT1-0 surface after laser shock-wave treatmentLytvynenko, I. V.; Lupenko, S. А.; Maruschak, P. О.; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich; Hats
2016The effect of particle size of polytetrafluorethylene on properties of composites based on ultra-high molecular weight polyethyleneNguen Suan Tuk; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich
2017Extrudable composites based on polyetheretherketone for additive technologiesPanin, Sergey Viktorovich; Nguyen DucAnh; Kornienko, L. A.; Aleksenko, Vladislav Olegovich; Buslovich, D. G.; Dontsov (Doncov), Yuriy Vladimirovich
2019Fatigue behaviour of CG and UFG titanium: DIC and fractography studiesEremin, Alexandr Vyacheslavovich; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich; Sharkeev, Yury Petrovich
2014Features of the microstructure development under conditions, reproducing the process of friction stir welding. Molecular-dynamics studyNikonov, Anton; Dmitriev, Andrey; Kolubaev, Evgeny Aleksandrovich; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich; Berto, F.; Rubtsov, Valery Evgenjevich
2019In situ estimation of fatigue crack parameters by digital image correlation under cyclic loading with single overloadEremin, Alexandr Vyacheslavovich; Byakov, Anton Viktorovich; Lyubutin, Pavel Stepanovich; Panin, Sergey Viktorovich; Titkov, V. V.