Browsing by Author Terre, Dina Anatolievna

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 30  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Application of time-domain electromagnetic sounding for drainage brine landfill monitoringTikhonova, S. A.; Tikhonova, Sv. A.
2015Assessment of Mesozoic-Kainozoic climate impact on oil-source rock potential (West Siberia)Iskorkina, А. А.; Isaev, Valery Ivanovich; Terre, Dina Anatolievna
2017Challenges of interpreting in cross-cultural professional communicationBek, D. V.
2016Change of climate conditions in the forest area of South YakutiaReshetko, Margarita Viktorovna; Moiseeva, Yuliya Aleksandrovna; Terre, Dina Anatolievna
2017Collaboration in multicultural business teams: challenge of employee adaptationShepotko, M. D.
2014Composite nanobiosorbent as a promising material for aquatic environment treatment from radionuclidesMoskalenko, Anna Vladimirovna; Tretyakov, Aleksey Nikolaevich; Makarevich, T. G.
2017Cross-cultural diversity of non-verbal communication: spatial organization in professional interactionsBobkov, А. G.
2016Detection of attenuation zones in a time section based on running window filtrationShatskaya, Aleksandra Andreevna; Nemirovich-Danchenko, Mikhail Mikhailovich; Terre, Dina Anatolievna
2017Efficient business collaboration: working in multinational virtual teamsMurashova, E. E.
2014Electrical properties of frozen rocksTikhonova, S. A.; Tikhonova, Sv. A.
2016Electromagnetic emission in mineral and rock dehydrationSalnikov, Vladimir Nikolaevich; Popov, Viktor Konstantinovich; Terre, Dina Anatolievna
2015Environmental problems of oil production in the arcticYurkova, M. V.; Tsynguev, V. V.
2016Environmental problems of oil production in the Bazhenov formationYurkova, M. V.
2015Estimation of relative spectral corrections in regional seismic station network (Kamchatka)Chubarov, D. L.
2016Humans under the conditions of autonomous existence in the arcticZhetpisbayeva, M. К.; Almatkyzy, M.
2016Identification method of indicator diagram by interpreting the measured results of gas-dynamic well testingNguyen Thac Hoai Phuong
2015Landscape and water body contamination due to pipeline accidents: case study of oil fields in Western SiberiaPugovkina, Yu. S.; Bahlyustov, A. I.
2017Language barrier in English learning and methods to overcome challengesKaravskiy, D. V.; Kimbaev, K. M.
2015Modeling of seismic field in porous medium: Simulation study of single pore and pore ensemble effectsShatskaya, Aleksandra Andreevna; Nemirovich-Danchenko, Mikhail Mikhailovich; Terre, Dina Anatolievna
2016Modern technologies of oil trunk pipeline system construction in permafrost environmentChehlov, A. N.; Sidelnikov, A. V.