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Title: Influence of hydrogen on mechanical properties of [012]-crystals of austenitic steel Fe-18Cr-14Ni-2Mo
Authors: Kuprekova, Е. I.
Klimova, К. V.
Kireeva, I. V.
Chumlyakov, Yu. I.
Chernov, Ivan Petrovich
Keywords: hydrogen; mechanical properties; crystals; austenitic steels; monocrystals; energy; faults; alloying; critical shear stress; coefficients; plasticity; temperature; testing; concentration; hydrogen atoms; hydrogenation; strength properties; temperature dependence; local deformation; sliding
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Томский политехнический университет
Citation: Influence of hydrogen on mechanical properties of [012]-crystals of austenitic steel Fe-18Cr-14Ni-2Mo / Е. I. Kuprekova [et al.] // Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. — 2007. — Vol. 310, № 1. — [P. 98-101].
Abstract: The influence of hydrogen alloying on critical shear stress, strain hardening coefficient and crystal plasticity depending on temperature of testing in the range of 77...400 К and hydrogen atom concentration has been investigated on monocrystals of austenitic stainless steel Fe-18Cr-14Ni-2Mo with low staking fault energy. Hydrogenation up to 14 at. % is shown to result in 1,5...2 increase of strength properties expressed by temperature dependence of critical shearing strains and to encourage development of local deformation by sliding.
Appears in Collections:Известия Томского политехнического университета. Инжиниринг георесурсов

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