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Title: Influence of color centers on the luminescent response of radiation-damaged CsI: Tl crystal
Authors: Yakovlev, Viktor Yurjevich
Trefilova, Larisa Nikolaevna
Alekseev, Vadim Aleksandrovich
Karnaukhova, Anna Alekseevna
Shpilinskaya, Olga Viktorovna
Lebedinsky, Aleksey Mikhaylovich
Tarakhno, Aleksey Mikhaylovich
Keywords: йодиды; ущерб; люминесценция; передача энергии
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Institute for Single Crystals
Citation: Influence of color centers on the luminescent response of radiation-damaged CsI: Tl crystal / V. Yu. Yakovlev [et al.] // Functional Materials. — 2018. — Vol. 25, No. 1. — [P. 13-20].
Abstract: Luminescence properties of Tl0va+ and Tl+vc- color centers induced by irradiation in CsI:Tl crystal are studied within a temperature range of 80-300 K. It is found, that electron Tl0va+ and hole Tl+vc- color centers arising due to radiation damage do not reduce conversion efficiency of CsI:Tl crystal, but participate in scintillation process to get energy from Tl+ centers by resonance. Degradation of the light yield of the irradiated CsI:Tl crystal is caused by the radiative energy transfer from Tl+ to Tl0va+ centers, whose emission is quenched at temperature above 210 K. Non-radiative energy transfer from Tl+to Tl+vc- centers results in long-wave spectral shift and the duration increase of the scintillation pulse.
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