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Title: Assessment of welding working properties of power supplies
Authors: Saraev, Yury Nikolaevich
Ilyashchenko, Dmitry Pavlovich
Krampit, Maksim Andreevich
Semenchuk, Vyacheslav Maksimovich
Nepomnyashchy, Aleksandr Sergeevich
Keywords: сварочные соединения; источники питания
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: Assessment of welding working properties of power supplies / Yu. N. Saraev, D. P. Ilyashchenko, M. A. Krampit [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2019. — Vol. 681 : Welding in Russia 2019: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives : International Conference, 3–7 September 2019, Tomsk, Russia. — [012037, 5 p.].
Abstract: The welding working properties of power supplies are the basic indicators of efficiency of their application when forming permnanent joints of critical duty constructions. Growth of the share of welded structures made of difficult-to-weld steels and alloys requires more advanced welding equipment characterized by better static and dynamic characteristics and ensuring optimal thermal welding cycles. In the paper the authors present their own view of the necessity of power supplies welding working properties assessment from the perspective of quantitative assessment of welding conditions indicators. It allows most complete characterizing of the process flow parameters.
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