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Title: Computer Modeling System of the Industrial Diesel Fuel Catalytic Dewaxing Process
Authors: Belinskaya, Natalia Sergeevna
Ivanchina, Emilia Dmitrievna
Dolganov, Igor Mikhailovich
Belozertseva, Nataljya Evgenjevna
Afanasjeva, Darjya Aleksandrovna
Keywords: компьютерное моделирование; дизельное топливо; гидрообработка; гидрокрекинг; cold filter plugging points; computer modeling systems; diesel fuel; hydroprocessing; mild hydrocracking
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH
Citation: Computer Modeling System of the Industrial Diesel Fuel Catalytic Dewaxing Process / N. S. Belinskaya, E. D. Ivanchina, I. M. Dolganov [et al.] // Chemical Engineering & Technology. — 2021. — Vol. 44, iss. 6. — [P. 31-37].
Abstract: An unsteady mathematical model and a computer modeling system of the diesel fuel catalytic dewaxing process (mild hydrocracking) were developed. The modeling system allows for calculating the optimal technological mode to produce low-freezing diesel fuel with the required cold filter plugging point taking into account the feedstock composition and catalyst activity. The modeling system consists of the main blocks: database, knowledge base, unsteady mathematical model of the diesel fuel catalytic dewaxing process, and application program package. Using the developed computer modeling system, the influence of the feedstock composition and flow rate as well as of the catalyst activity on the cold filter plugging point and the yield of diesel fuel is demonstrated.
Appears in Collections:Репринты научных публикаций

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