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Название: Research, Development and Application of Hybrid Model of Back-to-Back HVDC Link
Авторы: Ufa, Ruslan Alexandrovich
Andreev, Mikhail Vladimirovich
Diab, Ahmed
Gusev, Alexander Sergeevich
Ruban, Nikolay Yurievich
El Sattar, M. A.
Suvorov, Aleksey Aleksandrovich
Ali Ziad, M.
Askarov, Alisher Bakhramzhonovich
Rudnik, Vladimir Evgenevich
Razzhivin, Igor Andreevich
Kievets, Anton Vladimirovich
Bay, Yuly Dmitrievich
Ibrahim Ahmed, Ibrahim Mohamed
Aboelsaud Raef, Siam Sayed Ahmed
Ключевые слова: математические модели; модели данных; энергосистемы; системы реального времени; дифференциальные уравнения; mathematical model; HVDC Transmission; data models; hybrid power systems; real-time systems; differential equations
Дата публикации: 2020
Издатель: IEEE
Библиографическое описание: Research, Development and Application of Hybrid Model of Back-to-Back HVDC Link / R. A. Ufa, M. V. Andreev, A. A. Z. Diab [et al.] // IEEE Access. — 2020. — Vol. 8. — [P. 174860-174870].
Аннотация: Recent hybrid simulators (or co-simulators) of the electric power system are focused on scientific and research features to propose and develop novel and more accurate simulators. The present paper demonstrates one more hybrid modelling approach based on application and combination of three modeling approaches all together: physical, analog and digital. The primary focus of the proposed approach is to develop the simulation tool ensuring such vital characteristics as three-phase simulation and modeling of a single spectrum of processes in electric power system, without separation of the electromagnetic and electromechanical transient stages. Moreover, unlimited scalability of the electric power system model and real-time simulation to ensure the opportunity of data exchange with external devices have been considered. The description of the development of the hybrid model of back-to-back HVDC link based on the proposed approach is discussed and analyzed. To confirm properties of the mentioned hybrid simulation approach and hybrid model of back-to-back HVDC link, the simulation results of the interconnection of non-synchronously operating parts of the electric power system; power flow regulation; dynamic response to external fault and damping of power oscillation in electric power system are presented and examined. Moreover, to confirm the adequacy of the obtained results, the comparison with a detailed voltage source converter HVDC model (Simulink Matlab) and Eurostag software are introduced.
URI: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/73254
Располагается в коллекциях:Репринты научных публикаций

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