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Результаты 50051-50060 из 71852.
Найденные ресурсы:
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2016Using carbonyl photoinitiators for achieving tunable optical sensitivity of PETNZverev, Anton Sergeevich; Mitrofanov, Anatoliy Yuryevich; Tsyshevsky, Roman; Kostyanko, Mikhail; Luzgarev, Sergey; Garifzianova, Guzel; Kuklja, Maija
2016Discharge-mechanical method of rock destructionZhurkov, Mikhail Yurievich; Muratov, Vasily Mikhailovich; Datskevich, Sergey Yurievich; Vazhov, Vladislav Fedorovich
2016Investigation of laser heated spots on the surface of carbon steelLobankova, Olga Vladimirovna; Zykov, Iliya Yurievich; Melnikov, Alexander Grigorievich
2016Heat losses of energy excitation in phosphorAngyang Ju; Lisitsyn, Viktor Mikhailovich; Stepanov, Sergey Aleksandrovich
2016The influence of ion irradiation on the properties of ceramic silicon carbideKabyshev, Alexander Vasilievich; Konusov, Fedor Valerievich; Pavlov, Sergey Konstantinovich; Remnev, Gennady Efimovich
2016Surface modification of pet-track membranes by low-temperature plasma and gamma radiationFilippova, Ekaterina Olegovna; Gradoboev, Aleksandr Vasilyevich; Karpov, Dmitriy Andreevich; Pichugin, Vladimir Fyodorovich
2016Behavior of AL-SI-N nanostructured coatings under the ions (HE{+}, AR{+}, Xe{+}[2] ) irradiationShymanski, Vitali; Uglov, Vladimir; Kvasov, Nikolai; Remnev, Gennady Efimovich; Jindrich Musil
2016Influence of preliminary irradiation by qamma-quanta on dvelopment of catastrofic failures during operation of IR-LEDsGradoboev, Aleksandr Vasilyevich; Simonova, Anastasiia
2016Characteristics of capillary discharge channel and its effect on concrete splitting off by electro-lasting methodKuznetsova, Nataliya Sergeevna; Yudin, Artem Sergeevich
2016Estimation of energy loss in vacuum transmision lines by taken relativistic electrons into accountOreshkin, Vladimir Ivanovich; Kim, Aleksandr; Alekseenko, Vitaly Mikhaylovich; Kondratiev, Sergei