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Отображение результатов 1131 до 1150 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2016A Computer Model of the Evaporator for the Development of an Automatic Control SystemKozin, Kirill Andreevich; Efremov, Evgeny Viktorovich; Kabrysheva, Oksana Pavlovna; Grachev, M. I.
2016Computer modeling and software development for unsteady chemical technological systemsDolganov, Igor Mikhailovich; Dolganova, Irena Olegovna; Ivashkina, Elena Nikolaevna; Pisarev, Mikhail Olegovich
2015Computer modeling of electron-positron pair production by channeling radiation in amorphous converterAbdrachitov, Sergey Vladimirovich; Dabagov, Sultan; Bogdanov, Oleg Viktorovich; Pivovarov, Yuriy Leonidovich; Tukhfatullin, Timur Ahatovich
2017Computer modeling of the stress-strainstate of welded constructionDanenova, G. T.; Akhmetzhanov, T. B.
2021Computer Modeling System of the Industrial Diesel Fuel Catalytic Dewaxing ProcessBelinskaya, Natalia Sergeevna; Ivanchina, Emilia Dmitrievna; Dolganov, Igor Mikhailovich; Belozertseva, Nataljya Evgenjevna; Afanasjeva, Darjya Aleksandrovna
2014Computer Modelling System Application for Catalytic Reforming Unit Work OptimisationIvanchina, Emilia Dmitrievna; Sharova, Ekaterina Sergeevna; Syskina, Anna Aleksandrovna; Yakupova, I. V.
2016Computer simulation and study of the IR spectra of irradiated polymer materialsGabdrakipov, V. Z.; Kupchishin, A. A.; Kupchishin, A. I.; Tlebaev, K. B.; Gyngazov, Vladimir Anatolievich
2016Computer simulation methods in foreign policyRozhkova, N. E.
2014Computer simulation of cardiac electrical activity using an electrocardiograph on nanosensorsGrigoriev, M. G.
2016Computer simulation of electron-positron pair production by channeling radiation in amorphous converterAbdrachitov, Sergey Vladimirovich; Bogdanov, Oleg Viktorovich; Barasbievich, Dabagov Sultan; Pivovarov, Yuriy Leonidovich; Tukhfatullin, Timur Ahatovich
2017Computer simulation of energy release modes in discharge channel and its influence on stress-strained state formation in solid material under electro-blasting technologyYudin, Artem Sergeevich; Voitenko, Nikita Valerievich; Kuznetsova, Nataliya Sergeevna
2017Computer simulation of functioning of elements of security systemsGodovykh, Aleksey Valeryevich; Stepanov, Boris Pavlovich; Sheveleva, A. A.
2017The computer simulation of hoarfrost's clearing process in the air recuperation systemSavrasov, Fedor Vitalievich; Prokhorov, S. V.; Shilin, Aleksandr Anatoljevich
2016Computer Simulation of Replaceable Many Sider Plates (RMSP) with Enhanced Chip-Breaking CharacteristicsKorchuganova, Mariya Anatolievna; Syrbakov, Andrey Pavlovich; Chernysheva, Tatiana Yurievna; Ivanov, G.; Gnedasch, E.
2016Computer Simulation of Stress-Strain State of Oil Gathering Pipeline Designed for Ugut FieldBurkov, Petr Vladimirovich; Burkova, Svetlana Petrovna; Samigullin, V. D.
2016Computer Simulation of Stress-Strain State of Pipeline Section Affected by Abrasion Due to Mechanical ImpuritiesBurkov, Petr Vladimirovich; Afanasev, R. G.; Burkova, Svetlana Petrovna
2016Computer simulation radiation damages in condensed mattersKupchishin, A. I.; Kupchishin, A. A.; Voronova, N. A.; Kirdyashkin, V. I.; Gyngazov, Vladimir Anatolievich
2016Computer simulation research of energy release modes in a discharge channel and its influence on the stress-strained state formation in a solid material at electro-blasting technologyYudin, Artem Sergeevich; Kuznetsova, Nataliya Sergeevna
2016Computer Spatially Oriented Reconstruction of A 3D Heart Shape Based on Its Tomographic ImagingNatalinova, Nataliya Mikhailovna; Avdeeva, Diana Konstantinovna; Kazakov, Veniamin Yurevich; Baranov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich; Galtseva (Gal’tseva), Olga Valerievna; Ivashkov, Denis Viktorovich
2018Computer stabilogram method like one of the physiological andbiomechanical method of research different motor actions on slipperysurfaceShunkina, Anastasiya