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Отображение результатов 1369 до 1388 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2015Data processing by FPGA chip-based SPA methodShulgin, E. M.; Shulgina, Yulia Viktorovna
2013Database and application design for vocational guidance testing systemsRomanchucov, S. V.
2018Dates pit derived Carbon Nanodots induce DNA damageAyan, A. N.; Keneskhanova, Z.; Altaikyzy, A.; Yeleusizov, T.; Maipas, A.; Manarbek, L.; Tsoy, A.; Benassi, E.; Fan, H.; Xie, Y.
2014DCF-methode von UnternehmensbewertungKamenskaya, K.
2018Deactivation patterns of zeolite-containing catalysts of catalytic crackingNazarova, Galina Yurievna; Shafran, T. A.; Kislinskaya, A. A.
2015Debate course for engineering studentsBuluev, I. I.; Fedorov, E. A.
2016Decay kinetics and energy transfer in ternary phosphate glass doped Eu and Eu/DyPolisadova, Elena Fyodorovna; Othman, H. A.
2017Decays of bosonic and fermionic modes on a domain wallLoginov, Aleksey Yurievich
2019Decision support module for hemostasis functional state estimationChursina, E. A.; Kudinov, Anton Viktorovich
2015Decision Support System for Dispatching Personnel Of Intelligent Electric Power SystemsAndreev, Mikhail Vladimirovich; Sulaymanov, Almaz Omurzakovich; Suvorov, Aleksey Aleksandrovich
2017Decision working medium for lower cycle CCGT trinary typeTsibulskiy, Svyatoslav Anatolievich; Galashov, Nikolay Nikitovich; Bannova, Albina Ilgizovna; Melnikov, Denis Vladimirovich; Kiselev, Aleksandr Dmitrievich
2022Decommissioning of nuclear facilities; stages, strategies and future challenges: a reviewIni Godwin
2017Decrease uncertainty of measuring small differential signal against large common-mode signalBaranov, Pavel Fedorovich; Borikov, Valery Nikolaevich; Tsimbalict, Edward Ilyich; Bien Bui Duc
2016Deep-desulfurization of the petroleum diesel using the heterogeneous carboxyl functionalized poly-ionic liquidKamlesh Rudreshwar Balinge; Avinash Ganesh Khiratkar; Manikandan Krishnamurthy; Dipesh S. Patle, Dipesh; Cheralathan, K. K.; Pundlik Rambhau Bhagat
2017Deepwater pipeline installation methods. Their potential application in the arctic. Modern technology and featuresSolovev, Vasilii Vasilevich
2020Defining the states of the patients with erysipelas disease using different dimensionality reduction techniquesKotyubeev, R. R.; Zhurman, D. A.
2021Defining the Thermal Features of Sub-Surface Reinforcing Fibres in Non-Polluting Thermo–Acoustic Insulating Panels: A Numerical–Thermographic–Segmentation ApproachLiu Kaixin; Perilli, S.; Chulkov, Arseniy Olegovich; Yao Yuan; Omar, Mohammed; Vavilov, Vladimir Platonovich; Liu Yi; Sfarra, Stefano
2016The definition of activation energy of anthracite combustionOsipov, V. I.; Larionov, Kirill Borisovich; Sokolova, Elvira Yakovlevna
2014Definition of strategic managementChumyakina, T. A.; Чумякина, Т. А.
2015Definition of the moments of inertia of details and knots of devicesby means of the computer environment LabViewDamdinov, B. O.; Boyahchyan, A. A.