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Отображение результатов 3276 до 3295 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2020The influence of diverse optical wavelengths on growth rate of Chlorella Vulgaris microalgaeTrofimchuk, Oksana Anatolyevna; Yakovlev, Aleksey Nikolaevich; Turanov, Sergey Borisovich; Trigub, Maksim Viktorovich; Romanenko, S. A.
2019The influence of E. M. Remarque on the formation of intercultural competenceFomin, A. A.; Kargina, P. S.
2017The Influence Of Ecological Culture On Ornithological Security At The Airport "Tomsk"Kukhta, Maria Sergeevna; Kukhta, A.; Bolshakova, N.
2020Influence of Effective Stress on Absolute Permeability of Ultralow-Permeability RocksGorshkov, Anton Mikhailovich; Khomyakov, Ivan Sergeevich; Subbotina, Mariya Vladimirovna
2022The influence of environmental factors on the economic component of the national prosperityMaslennikova, K. S.
2015Influence of Evaluation System on Effectiveness of Foreign Students' Mathematical EducationSherstneva, Anna Igorevna; Imas, Olga Nikolaevna; Galanova, Nataliya; Tran Van Tuan
2016Influence of Filler Metals in Welding Wires on the Phase and Chemical Composition of Weld MetalKozyrev, N. A.; Osetkovskiy, I. V.; Kozyreva, O. A.; Zernin, Evgeny Aleksandrovich; Karthev, Dmitry Sergeevich
2016The Influence of Financial Resources on Later LiveTaran, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna; Anikina, Ekaterina Alekseevna; Ivankina, Lyubov Ivanovna
2018The influence of foreign words on Russian languageAbramova, A. A.; Stamati, A. V.
2021Influence of fractional composition and the content of paraffinic and aromatic hydrocarbons in the composition of diesel fuel on the depressants' efficiencyBogdanov, Ilya
2022Influence of friction mixing treatment on microstructure and mechanical characteristics of L63 brassSudarikov, A. V.; Cheremnov, A. M.; Chumaevsky, A. V.
2016The Influence of Gas-Phase Hydrogenation Parameters on the Processes of Activation, Sorption and Accumulation of Hydrogen in the Powder of Pure TitaniumKudiyarov, Victor Nikolaevich; Babikhina (Babihina), Mariya Nikolaevna; Gvozdyakov, Dmitry Vasilievich
2007Influence of generation mechanisms on pulse profile of mechanical stress in metal target under the action of power ion beamsBoyko, Vladimir Ilyich; Daneykin, Yuri Viktorovich; Khadkevich, А. V.; Yushitsin, К. V.
2016Influence of Geometric Characteristics of Canal on Precipitating Capacity of SeparatorBelyaev, Leonid Aleksandrovich; Zaitsev, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Kondakov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich; Shevelev, Sergey Anatolievich; Matveev, Aleksandr Sergeevich
2020Influence of gramicidin S and [beta]-cyclodextrin complexation techniques on the drug releaseDrannikov, А. А.
2015Influence of heat radiation of high intensity on thetemperature of thermally thin bodyBaktybaeva, Dana; Baygushkarov, Timur; Yukhnov, Vyacheslav Evgenievich
2015Influence of Heat Treatment Mode of Various Magnesia Rocks on their PropertiesMitina, Nataliya Aleksandrovna; Lotov, Vasiliy Agafonovich; Sukhushina, A. V.
2014The influence of heat treatment on homogeneity of strength properties and structural peculiarities of low-carbon steel Fe-Mo-Nb-V-C processed by high-pressure torsionAstafurova, Elena; Maier, Galina; Koshovkina, Vera; Chomyakova, Galina; Tukeeva, Marina; Melnikov, Eugene; Naydenkin, Eugene; Dobatkin, Sergey; Odessky, Pavel
2017Influence of heating temperature on the aluminum used for electric cablesFellah, L.; Diha, A.
2018Influence of high temperatures on reservoir properties of Bazhenov Formation rocksGorshkov, Anton Mikhailovich; Khomyakov, Ivan Sergeevich; Subbotina, M. V.; Mazurova, A. S.; Altieva, A. E.; Myrzabaeva, A. B.