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Отображение результатов 3847 до 3866 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2014Learning English at a technical university as the question of current interestMadaliev, A. A.; Trifonov, M. Y.
2014Learning English in a technical university as the question of current interestMadaliev, A. A.; Trifonov, M. Y.
2015Learning English with a native speaker as a form of cross-cultural dialogueBokova, A. A.; Baldysheva, D. I.
2015Learning English with the help of the e-learning course based on LMS MOODLEVotkina, D. E.
2018The Learning Environment As Service To Support Educational ProgrammeShamina, Olga Borisovna; Starodubtsev, Viacheslav Alekseevich; Bulanova, Tatyana Valentinovna
2015Learning International Literary Connections as a Means of Promoting Tolerance: Specificity of the Early Stage of F. M. Dostoevsky's Work Reception in Great BritainShatokhina, Anastasia Olegovna; Sedelnikova, Olga Viktorovna
2016Learning languages by reading literature in the originalШабо, А. К.
2015Learning Terminology in the Age of Higher Education Internationalization: Problems and SolutionsDeniko, Roman Viktorovich; Shchitova, Olga Grigorievna; Shchitova, Daria; Lan, Nguyen
2014Led radiation with different spectra influence on plants development at different stages of vegetationStarodubtseva, Daria Vyacheslavovna; Turanov, Sergey Borisovich; Yakovlev, Aleksey Nikolaevich; Kozyreva, Irina Nikolaevna
2018LED-technologies for bright light therapyKukhta, Maria Sergeevna; Sidorenko, E. V.; Simutkin, G. G.; Khomushku, O. M.; Glushkov, G. S.
2018LEDs based upon AlGaInP heterostructures with multiple quantum wells: comparison of fast neutrons and gammaquanta irradiationGradoboev, Aleksandr Vasilyevich; Orlova, K. N.; Simonova, A. V.
2017Legal aspects in the legislation of roboticsKremlev, I. A.; Vymyatnina, D. V.
2013Legal basis of the marriage institution in modern ChinaKuznetsova, Anna Aleksandrovna; Кузнецова, Анна Александровна
2015LEGO SERIOUS PLAY-технологии: история, опыт, эффективностьЕвсюкова, Н. Ю.
2017Lending to small and medium businesses: problems and solutionsKrikunova, Anastasia; Shapovalenko, Anastasia
2014Les caracteristiques de conception des centrales nucleairesIzvekov, V. V.; Antropyanskaya, Liliya Nikolaevna
2016Les reseaux hvdc multi-terminaux: des defies multipes en genie electrique high voltage direct current grid multiterminals: many challenges in electrical engineeringHochard, N.
2014Les travaux pratiques dans le programme de la formation des ingenieurs a l`institut de genie energetiqueRyjkova, A.; Grand, F. Le.; Dementiev, Yuriy Nikolaevich; Rostovtseva, Veronika Mikhailovna
2016The level of air pollution in the impact zone of coal-fired power plant (Karaganda City) using the data of geochemical snow survey (Republic of Kazakhstan)Adil'bayeva, Т. E.; Talovskaya, Anna Valerievna; Yazikov, Yegor (Egor) Grigoryevich; Matveenko, Irina Alekseevna
2016Levitation of Liquid Microdroplets Above A Solid Surface Subcooled to the Leidenfrost TemperatureKirichenko, D. P.; Zaitsev, Dmitry Valerievich; Kabov, Oleg Aleksandrovich