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Отображение результатов 4517 до 4536 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2015Modification of the Algorithm Processing and Control Hardware Functions in the Portable Electrocardiograph for Use in Space IndustryOverchuk, K. V.; Uvarov, Aleksandr Andreevich; Lezhnina, Inna Alekseevna
2015Modification of the cylindrical products outer surface influenced by radial beam of argon ions at automatic modeValikov, Roman Aleksandrovich; Yashin, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Churkin, S. A.; Yakutkina, Tatjyana Viktorovna; Kalin, Boris Aleksandrivich; Volkov, Nikolay Viktorovich; Krivobokov, Valery Pavlovich; Yanin, Sergey Nikolaevich; Asainov, Oleg Khaydarovich; Yuriev, Yuri Nikolaevich
2016Modification of the sample's surface of hypereutectic silumin by pulsed electron beamRygina, M. E.; Ivanov, Yuriy Fedorovich; Lasconev, A. P.; Teresov, A. D.; Cherenda, N. N.; Uglov, V. V.; Petricova, E. A.; Astashinskay, M. V.
2015Modification of the surface layers of copper by a diffuse discharge in atmospheric pressure airErofeev, Mikhail Vladimirovich; Oskomov, Konstantin; Tarasenko, Victor Fedotovich; Shulepov Mikhail
2015Modification of various metals by volume discharge in air atmosphereShulepov, Mikhail; Erofeev, Mikhail Vladimirovich; Oskomov, Konstantin; Tarasenko, Victor Fedotovich
2019Modified born-infeld-dilaton-axion coupling in supersymmetryAldabergenov, Yermek; Ketov, Sergey Vladimirovich
2019Modified Gravity in Higher Dimensions, Flux Compactification, and Cosmological InflationKetov, Sergey Vladimirovich
2014Modifikation der Erdölpolymerenharze mit Erhöhtem Gehalt von ZyklopentadienPangina, M. V.; Yemelyanowa, N. V.
2018Modifying physico-chemical properties of biocompatible polymers by ion implantation methodKorostelev, V. O.; Vasenina, I. V.; Zuza, D. A.
2019Modified Baier-Katkov Method for Twisted Photon RadiationBogdanov, Oleg Viktorovich; Kazinski, P. O.; Lazarenko, George Yurievich
2018Modular Training Of General ChemistryPerederina, I. A.; Tveryakova, E. N.; Miroshnichenko, Julia Yurievna; Drygunova, L. A.
2017Module "Compilers" of the сourse "Professional english" for bachelor degree studentsBurkatovskaya, Yuliya Borisovna
2015Molche zur Zerstorungsfreien Inspektion von PipelinesKovnir, A. A.
2016The molecular aspects of personalized anticancer treatmentCherdyntseva, N.; Litviakov, N.; Ivanova, F.; Denisov, E.; Gervas, P.; Cherdyntsev, Evgeny Sergeevich
2014A molecular dynamic study of charged nanofilm interaction with negative lipid bilayerTsukanov, Alexey; Psakhie, Sergey Grigorievich
2014Molecular dynamics study of cluster structure and properties of rotational waves in solid nanostructuresGolovnev, I. F.; Golovneva, E. I.; Merzhievsky, L. A.; Fomin, V. M.; Panin, Viktor Evgenyevich
2017Molecular Level in Silico Studies for Oncology. Direct Models ReviewPsakhie, Sergey Grigorievich; Tsukanov, Aleksey Alekseevich
2019Molybdenum carbide embedded into carbon matrix synthesized by DC arc plasmaPak, Aleksandr Yakovlevich
2015Monetary policy of the Central Bank of RussiaNakonechnaya, I. V.; Gasparyan, Gayane Aramaisovna; Наконечная, И. В.; Гаспарян, Гаянэ Арамаисовна
2021Monge Gaspard. Founder of the Language of EngineersНаурусов, А. И.; Теркина, А. К.