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Отображение результатов 4553 до 4572 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2014Morphology of the surface of technically pure titanium VT1-0 after electroexplosive carbonization with a weighed zirconium oxide powder sample and electron beam treatmentSosnin, Kirill; Raykov, Sergey; Vaschuk, Ekaterina; Ivanov, Yuriy Fedorovich; Budovskikh, Evgenie; Gromov, Victor
2021MoS2@ZnO Nanoheterostructures Prepared by Electrospark Erosion for Photocatalytic ApplicationsAn, Vladimir Vilorievich; Potgieter, Johannes Herman; Usoltseva, Natalia Vasilievna; Valiev, Damir Talgatovich; Stepanov, Sergey Aleksandrovich; Pustovalov, Aleksey Vitalievich; Baryshnikov, Arseny Aleksandrovich; Titov, Maksim Nikolaevich; Dolinina, Alesya Sergeevna
2013The most crucial aspects influencing students choice of employer and current tendenciesAntonova, T. N.; Антонова, Н. А.
2016The most demanded specialties in South AfricaSokolova, Elvira Yakovlevna; Perkov, E. D.
2021The most important variables for credit risk modelGubin, Evgeny Ivanovich; Phana, T.
2017Motivating students to learn English for Professional Purposes (non-linguisticuniversity)Kobzeva, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna; Pavlova, Elena; Trofimova, Victoria
2015Motivation and its importance in learning EnglishНетесова, Мария Витальевна
2023Motivation build-up guide for PH.D. Adult learners with professionsAsabi Boakye Prince
2016Motivation for studying foreign languageShupletsova, E. V.; Sokolova, Elvira Yakovlevna
2016Motivation in English Language Learning for professional purposesNetesova, Mariya Vitalevna; Francuzskaya, Evgeniya Olegovna
2015Motivation System of Students and Teaching Staff of Higher Educational Institutions for Research Work AccomplishmentMartyushev, Nikita Vladimirovich; Sinogina, E. S.; Sheremetyeva, U. M.
2014Motivation system peculiaritiesMikhaylova, T. R.; Михайлова, Т. Р.
2017Motivations and Needs of Older People for Work and Active LifestyleKashchuk, Irina Vadimovna; Ivankina, Lyubov Ivanovna
2016MPI and PVM systemsKirienko, V. A.; Nizkodubov, Gavriel Anatolevich
2019MSA-анализ определения толщины диэлектрического покрытия на стальном основанииЮрьев, В. Ю.
2007Multi-channel hardware and software complex for monitoring and analysing vibrosignalsGrenke, V. V.; Shakirov, I. V.; Samoylov, А. М.
2021Multi-Field versus Single-Field in the Supergravity Models of Inflation and Primordial Black HolesKetov, Sergey Vladimirovich
2023Multi-objective AHM workflow intergrating the 4D seismic dataPokatilov, V.
2020Multicomponent Antifriction Composite Based on Extrudable Matrix "UHMWPE - HDPE-g-VTMS - PP" for Additive ManufacturingPanin, Sergey Viktorovich; Buslovich, Dmitry Gennadjevich; Kornienko, L. A.; Dontsov, Yuriy Vladimirovich
2013Multidimensional data analysis with NovoSpark VisualizerNikitina, I. E.; Marukhina, Olga Vladimirovna