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Отображение результатов 5079 до 5098 из 71984 < назад   дальше >
Дата публикацииНазваниеАвторы
2017Parameters assessment of the inductively-coupled circuit for wireless power transferIsaev, Yusup Niyazbekovich; Vasilieva, Olga Vladimirovna; Budko, A. A.; Lefebvre, S.
2023Parameters of diesel fuel composition that affect the efficiency of depressant additivesMorozova, Yana Pavlovna
2020Parameters of Transition from Deepening Longitudinal to Continuous Lateral Surface Mining Methods to Decrease Environmental Damage in Coal ClustersZhironkin, Sergey Aleksandrovich; Selyukov, Aleksey; Gasanov, Magerram Ali Ogly
2015Parametric Identification of Control Systems Using Artificial Neural NetworksZakamaldin, Andrey; Andyk, Vladimir Sergeevich
2017Parametric identification of the controlled object based on transfer characteristicsEfimov, Semyon Viktorovich; Pushkarev, Maksim Ivanovich; Rapisarda, P.; Zamyatin, Sergey Vladimirovich; Marukyan, V. M.
2016Parametric Modeling as a Technology of Rapid Prototyping in Light IndustryTomilov, Ivan Nikolaevich; Grudinin, S. N.; Frolovsky, V. D.; Alexandrov, A. A.
2007Parametric synthesis of linear regulator in interval system with guaranteed root quality indicesSukhodoev, M. S.; Gayvoronskiy, S. A.; Zamyatin, S. V.
2018Parametric X-ray radiation and texture of polycrystalline foilsAlexeyev, V. I.; Eliseyev, A. N.; Irribarra, E.; Kishin, I. A.; Kubankin, A. S.; Nazhmudinov, R. M.
2017Participatory Urban Projects in the Context of Cultural PragmaticsKolodiy, Nataliya Andreevna; Rodionova, Elena Viktorovna; Kolodiy, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich; Ivchik, A. A.; Rodolfo Baggio
2019Particularities of Cu and Zn Nanoparticles Formation in a Magnetic FieldMyshkin, Vyacheslav Fedorovich; Khan, Valery Alekseevich; Tichy, Milan; Kapran, Anna; Izhoykin, Dmitriy; Lenskiy, V. N.; Gamov, Denis Leonidovich
2021Particularities of spatial kinetics of hybrid thorium reactor installation containing the long neutron source based on magnetic trapShamanin, Igor Vladimirovich; Bedenko, Sergey Vladimirovich; Lutsik, I. O.; Polozkov, S. D.; Arzhannikov, A. V.
2007Passivation of metal nanopowders obtained by electric explosion of semiconductorsLerner, М. I.; Shimanskiy, V. V.; Saveliev, G. G.
2016Passive Identification is Non Stationary Objects With Closed Loop ControlDyadik, Valery Feodosievich; Nadezhdin, Igor Sergeevich; Goryunov, Aleksey Germanovich; Manenti, Flavio
2016Patch Antenna for Measuring the Internal Temperature of Biological Objects Using the Near-Field Microwave Radiometric MethodUbaichin, A.; Bespalko (Bespal'ko), Anatoly Alekseevich; Filatov, A.; Alexeev, E.; Zhuk, G.
2021Path-building and localization system for mobile robotic platforms based on Raspberry PiIvanov, E. A.; Belyaev, Aleksandr Sergeevich; Brylev, Oleg Alexandrovich
2020Patterning GaSe by High-Powered Laser BeamsCheshev, Dmitry Leonidovich; Rodriguez (Rodriges) Contreras, Raul David; Matkovic, Aleksandar; Ruban, Aleksey Sergeevich; Chen Jin-Ju; Sheremet, Evgeniya Sergeevna
2017Patterns of calcium oxalate monohydrate crystallization in complex biological systemsGolovanova, О. А.; Korolkov, V. V.; Kuimova, Marina Valerievna
2015Patterns of folded structure formation in the maximum bending zone of [111] FCC single crystalsAlferova (Alfyorova), Ekaterina Aleksandrovna; Lychagin, Dmitry Vasilievich; Popov, A. A.
2015Patterns of mercury distribution in bottom sediments vertical profiles ponds (Tomsk area)Gubina, K. A.
2016Paзpaбoткa и исследование элeктpoмaгнитнoaкуcтичecкoгo пpeoбpaзoвaтeля для продольных волнСыдыкoв, Ж. Б.