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Название: Application of Cumene Technology Mathematical Model
Авторы: Chudinova, Alena Igorevna
Salischeva, Anastasiya
Ivashkina, Elena Nikolaevna
Moyzes, Olga Efimovna
Gavrikov, Aleksey Alekseevich
Ключевые слова: алкилирование; математическое моделирование; хлорид алюминия; оптимизация; кумол
Дата публикации: 2015
Издатель: Elsevier
Библиографическое описание: Application of Cumene Technology Mathematical Model / A. I. Chudinova [et al.] // Procedia Chemistry. — 2015. — Vol. 15 : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in XXI century (CCE 2015) : XVI International Scientific Conference dedicated to Professor L.P. Kulyov, 25-29 May 2015, Tomsk, Russia. — [P. 326-334].
Аннотация: The work describes the existing problems of the technological systems for cumene synthesis catalyst AlCl3. The paper describes the stages of development of the mathematical model ofbenzene alkylation with propylene. The model allows the calculation of composition of the product stream when changing process parameters of the plant: temperature, molar ratio of benzene/propylene, feed space velocity. The error of the model does not exceed 7.5%. The computer modeling system "Alkylation" is developed in Borland Delphi 7, and the module optimization of the process parameters is called "Optimization". The calculations allowed reducing the catalyst consumption in the alkylation reactor (to 10-15%) and increasing the cumene concentration in the product mixture (to 25% wt.). The concentration of n-propylbenzene in the output stream is 0.05 wt%. The recommendations for optimization of the industrial alkylation unit are presented for implementation at OJSC "Omsky Kautchuk".
URI: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/15072
Располагается в коллекциях:Материалы конференций

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