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Title: Разработка устройства и программного обеспечения для контроля речи
Authors: Артемьев, А. Е.
Колтунова, Е. С.
Лобанов, О. В.
Keywords: программное обеспечение; речь; грамотность; браслеты
Issue Date: 2015
Citation: Артемьев А. Е. Разработка устройства и программного обеспечения для контроля речи / А. Е. Артемьев, Е. С. Колтунова, О. В. Лобанов // Информационные технологии в науке, управлении, социальной сфере и медицине : сборник научных трудов II Международной конференции, 19-22 мая 2015 г., Томск. — Томск : Изд-во ТПУ, 2015. — [С. 114-115].
Abstract: Our project is to create a bracelet that will be attached to the hand. Its main aim is to demotivate a man to use swear words and words-parasites in his speech using a small electric current. The use of obscene words in the speech is a very bad habit. It is very hard to get rid of these words. One can get out of this habit one way or another by demotivating of a person who has this habit. A similar idea is implemented in wearing of rub instead of a bracelet. When you pronounce a swear word you are to pull it and slap your wrist with a rubber band. Dirty language begins to associate with pain and discomfort. This should cause a reduction in the number of offensive words.
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