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Title: Additional Energy Losses from Asymmetric and Non-Sinusoidal Current in an Electrical Facility and Methods of their Reduction
Authors: Tarasov, Evgeny Vladimirovich
Bulyga, Leonid Leonidovich
Ushakov, Vasily Yakovlevich
Kharlov, Nikolay Nikolaevich
Keywords: потери; энергия; несинусоидальные токи; высшие гармоники; асимметричные токи; электрические сети; электрические установки
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: [s. n.]
Citation: Additional Energy Losses from Asymmetric and Non-Sinusoidal Current in an Electrical Facility and Methods of their Reduction / E. V. Tarasov [et al.] // MATEC Web of Conferences. — 2015. — Vol. 37 : Smart Grids 2015 : September 28 - October 2, 2015, Tomsk, Russia : [proceedings]. — [01057, 4 p.].
Abstract: Influence of the asymmetry and higher harmonics of current on the operation of an electrical facility is analyzed. The level of additional losses from the asymmetric and non-sinusoidal currents is evaluated for a 110 kV electrical network in the Siberian Region of the Russian Federation. Methods for reducing the additional energy losses in the electrical facility are suggested.
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