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Title: Ritual as a method of social memory content transfer
Authors: Utkina, Anna Nikolaevna
Mironova, Veronika Evgenievna
Loyko, Olga Timofeevna
Volkov, Alexandr
Keywords: контент; социальная память; ритуалы
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: EDP Sciences
Citation: Ritual as a method of social memory content transfer / A. N. Utkina [et al.] // SHS Web of Conferences. — Les Ulis : EDP Sciences, 2016. — Vol. 28 : Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences (RPTSS 2015) : International Conference, December 15-17, 2015, Tomsk, Russia : [proceedings]. — [01142, 5 p.].
Abstract: The paper deals with a ritual as a method of social memory content transfer. To reveal dialectics of ritual phenomenon formation and development, hermeneutical, dialectical and general scientific approaches as well as analysis and synthesis are applied. Social memory is considered as a complex of essential information for a society rooted in a social medium mentality and transferred from one generation to another. In terms of analyzed theoretical approaches to ritual and social memory the authors conclude that a ritual is capable of transferring social memory from one social stratum to another retaining its content. By means of a ritual, the process of conversation between different individuals is implemented, and the unity of memories is formed. Ritual instability allows changing its form dialectically retaining its content unvaried. Ritual preserves, presents and keeps its content current taking into account changing forms of manifestation that define the dynamics of society development. Reflecting the inner content of a social memory ritual contributes to its literal perception in the modern world and, as a consequence, to the reduction of social conscience manipulation. The development of society is in great necessity in such methods of social memory transfer that are capable of responding to social changes retaining important information for society ungarbled. The authors consider a ritual as one of such methods.
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