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Title: Use Zircon-Ilmenite Concentrate in Steelmaking
Authors: Fedoseev, Sergey Nikolaevich
Volkova, T. N.
Keywords: стали; прочность; эксплуатационные свойства; добавки; титан; цирконий; металлические изделия
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: Fedoseev S. N. Use Zircon-Ilmenite Concentrate in Steelmaking / S. N. Fedoseev, T. N. Volkova // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 142 : Innovative Technologies in Engineering : VII International Scientific Practical Conference, 19–21 May 2016, Yurga, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [012058, 8 p.].
Abstract: Market requirements cause a constant search for new materials and technologies, for their immediate use in increasing requirements for material and energy efficiency, as well as to the quality of steel. In practice, steel production in the tended recently of more stringent requirements for the chemical composition of the steel and its contamination by nonmetallic inclusions, gas and non-ferrous metals. The main ways of increasing of strength and performance characteristics fabricated metal products related to the profound and effective influence on the crystallizing metal structure by furnace processing of the melt with refining and modifying additives. It can be argued that the furnace processing of steel and iron chemically active metals (alkali-earth metals, rare-earth metals, and others.) is an integral part of modern production of high quality products and competitive technologies. Important condition for development of methods secondary metallurgy of steel is the use of relatively inexpensive materials in a variety of complex alloys and blends, allowing targeted control of physical and chemical state of the molten metal and, therefore, receive steel with improved performance. In this connection the development of modifying natural materials metallurgy technologies presented complex ores containing titanium and zirconium, is a very urgent task.
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