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Название: Controlling the type and the form of chip when machining steel
Авторы: Gruby, S. V.
Lasukov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Nekrasov, R. Yu.
Politsinsky, Evgeny Valerievich
Arkhipova, D. A.
Ключевые слова: чипы; стали; механическая обработка; режущий инструмент; поверхности
Дата публикации: 2016
Издатель: IOP Publishing
Библиографическое описание: Controlling the type and the form of chip when machining steel / S. V. Gruby [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2016. — Vol. 142 : Innovative Technologies in Engineering : VII International Scientific Practical Conference, 19–21 May 2016, Yurga, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [012065, 7 p.].
Аннотация: The type of the chip produced in the process of machining influences many factors of production process. Controlling the type of chip when cutting metals is important for producing swarf chips and for easing its utilization as well as for protecting the machined surface, cutting tool and the worker. In the given work we provide the experimental data on machining structural steel with implanted tool. The authors show that it is possible to control the chip formation process to produce the required type of chip by selecting the material for machining the tool surface.
URI: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/34748
Располагается в коллекциях:Материалы конференций

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