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Title: Single-stage technogy for granulated foam glass production based on the composition of tripoli and technogical microsilica
Authors: Kazmina, Olga Viktorovna
Volkova, A.
Vereshchagin (Vereschagin, Vereshagin), Vladimir Ivanovich
Rymanova, Irina Evgenievna
Keywords: технология производства; пеностекло; трепел; микрокремнеземы; гидроксид натрия; механическая прочность; кварц; кристобалиты; кристаллизация
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: Single-stage technogy for granulated foam glass production based on the composition of tripoli and technogical microsilica / O. V. Kazmina [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. — 2016. — Vol. 43 : Problems of Geology and Subsurface Development : XX International Scientific Symposium of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists, 4–8 April 2016, Tomsk, Russia. — [012067, 4 p.].
Abstract: The possibility of foam glass production by means of one-stage technology based on the natural tripoli and technogenic silica is determined. 45 % sodium hydroxide solution is used for the synthesis of foam glass. The addition of microsilica as an extra component in an amount of 10 to 50 wt. % in batch component increases the strength of the obtained material to 4 MPa and reduces foaming temperature from 870 to 830 °C. The increased mechanical strength of the material is due to the residual quartz dissolution and cristobalite crystallization. The samples obtained from batch with 30 wt. % microsilica have maximum strength.
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