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Title: Ethno-design as the Basis for the Formation of a Tolerant Attitude to the Traditions of Different Cultures
Authors: Kukhta, Maria Sergeevna
Pelevin, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
Keywords: ethno-design; ethnical; ethno-cultural; traditions; translation; meaning; shaping; tolerance; этнодизайн; этнокультура; традиции; толерантность; культуры
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Kukhta, Maria Sergeevna. Ethno-design as the Basis for the Formation of a Tolerant Attitude to the Traditions of Different Cultures [Electronic resource] / M. S. Kukhta, E. A. Pelevin // Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences . — 2015 . — Vol. 166 : Proceedings of The International Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences 2014 (RPTSS-2014), 16–18 October 2014, Tomsk, Russia . — [P. 680-683] .
Abstract: Topicality of the work is conditioned by the necessity to research meanings’ translation mechanisms of different cultures in the modern design's forms and images, and the need to create harmonious and data-intensive visual objects that are in demand in various spheres of modern life (advertising, Internet, design, etc.). The purpose of the work is to study translation's peculiarities of ethnic cultures’ meanings and their connection with the specifics of shaping. In the research was used methods of analysis and semiotic systems’ simulation, methods of historical-cultural analysis, methods of comparative linguistics and system analysis. In modern culture there is a mixture of styles, space and birth date of which determines ideographic identity of different ethnic groups. Ethno-design was born in the Age of Modernism and manifested primarily in following the tradition of shaping, which is based on specific ethnographic material. By studying the artefacts ‘organization features, the designer seeks to identify the main (dominant) ideas that underlie them and which are the conductors in the world of ethno- cultures’ meanings. Thus, the relevance of ethno-design development besides the aesthetic and artistic value is due to unique ability to “include” into the world historical experiences and sensations caused by an appeal to ethnic images. Design working practices with ethnographic material suggests studying particular culture's characteristics such as visual patterns organization. In contrast to historical, archaeological, cultural and other studies, the designer seeks primarily to identify the formation features, which describe construction methods of ethno-cultural sample. The result of the research is the discovery of cultural meanings’ transmission mechanisms in the ethno-design objects, as well as their impact on formation peculiarities.
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