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Title: Crude Oil Distillation with Superheated Water Steam: Parametrical Sensitivity and Optimization
Authors: Samborskaya, Marina Anatolievna
Gusev, Valeriy Petrovich
Gryaznova, I. A.
Vdovushkina, N. S.
Wolf, Andrey Viktorovich
Keywords: перегонка; сырая нефть; параметрическая чувствительность; оптимизация; целевые функции; водяные пары; crude oil distillation unit; superheated water steam; parametrical sensitivity; optimization; objective function
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: Crude Oil Distillation with Superheated Water Steam: Parametrical Sensitivity and Optimization [Electronic resource] / M. A. Samborskaya [et al.] // Procedia Chemistry . — 2014 . — Vol. 10 : Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in XXI century . — [P. 337-342] .
Abstract: Stability of crude oil distillation units was analyzed with mathematical models developed using Aspen Hysys. Parametrical sensitivities of light fractions yields, heat duties and steam load of column trays to perturbations of superheated steam flow rate were estimated. Objective function based on the light products yields and energy consumption for distillation was formed. The maxima of the objective function were calculated depending on operational parameters and flow rate of water steam.
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