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Title: Study of o-fluorbenzonal electrochemical behavior with the carbon electrode using voltammetry
Authors: Slepchenko, Galina Borisovna
Mikheeva, Elena Valentinovna
Mezentseva, Olga
Zaytsev, Nikolay
Keywords: электрохимическое поведение; электроды; вольтамперометрия; угольные электроды; электродные процессы; лекарственные средства; биотехнологии; органические вещества
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: EDP Sciences
Citation: Study of o-fluorbenzonal electrochemical behavior with the carbon electrode using voltammetry / G. B. Slepchenko [et al.] // MATEC Web of Conferences. — 2016. — Vol. 85 : Chemistry and Chemical Technology in XXI Century (CCT 2016) : Conference, May 17-20, 2016, Tomsk, Russia : [proceedings]. — [01002, 4 p.].
Abstract: A high sensitive stripping voltammetric method was for the first time proposed for determination of o-fluorbenzonal. This method is based on the ability to be electrochemically reduced with the carbon electrodes of different types. The working conditions of o-fluorbenzonal voltammetric determination are: pH of the background electrolyte, electrolysis potential and time scan rate. The effective dissociation constant of various forms of o-fluorbenzonal, number of electrons involved in the electrode process were calculated.
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