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Название: Dynamic Action of the Shielding Gas Jet Upon the Process of Consumable Electrode Welding
Авторы: Chinakhov, Dmitriy Anatol'evich
Ключевые слова: газовые струи; сварка; электроды; газодинамические процессы; наплавки; газовая динамика; металлические электроды; химический состав; сварные швы; сварные соединения
Дата публикации: 2017
Издатель: IOP Publishing
Библиографическое описание: Chinakhov D. A. Dynamic Action of the Shielding Gas Jet Upon the Process of Consumable Electrode Welding / D. A. Chinakhov // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 221 : Innovative Technologies in Engineering : VIII International Scientific Practical Conference, 18–20 May 2017, Yurga, Russian Federation : [proceedings]. — [012002, 6 p.].
Аннотация: The author considers the gas-dynamic action of the shielding gas jet during consumable electrode welding on the processes in the welding area and properties of the weld joints produced from alloyed high-strength steel 30HGSA. The results of the research on the gas-dynamic action of the jet on the process of consumable electrode welding are provided. It was established that the method of consumable electrode welding with double-jet gas shielding ensures regulated gas dynamics in the welding area and allows controlling the electrode metal transfer, the chemical composition of the weld metal, stabilizing the process of welding and ensures stable high mechanic properties of the weld joints.
URI: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/43230
Располагается в коллекциях:Материалы конференций

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