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Название: Structural model constructing for optical handwritten character recognition
Авторы: Khaustov, Pavel Aleksandrovich
Spitsyn, Vladimir Grigorievich
Maksimova, Elena Ivanovna
Ключевые слова: рукописные тексты; распознавание; структурные модели; алгоритмы
Дата публикации: 2017
Издатель: Томский политехнический университет
Библиографическое описание: Khaustov P. A. Structural model constructing for optical handwritten character recognition / P. A. Khaustov, V. G. Spitsyn, E. I. Maksimova // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — 2017. — Vol. 173 : Mathematical Models and their Applications 2016. — 012006, 9 p.].
Аннотация: The article is devoted to the development of the algorithms for optical handwritten character recognition based on the structural models constructing. The main advantage of these algorithms is the low requirement regarding the number of reference images. The one-pass approach to a thinning of the binary character representation has been proposed. This approach is based on the joint use of Zhang-Suen and Wu-Tsai algorithms. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is confirmed by the results of the experiments. The article includes the detailed description of the structural model constructing algorithm's steps. The proposed algorithm has been implemented in character processing application and has been approved on MNIST handwriting characters database. Algorithms that could be used in case of limited reference images number were used for the comparison.
URI: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/45806
Располагается в коллекциях:Репринты научных публикаций

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