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Title: Mathematical modeling of ignition of coal-water slurries particles coated with water film
Authors: Afanaseva, V. G.
Keywords: математическое моделирование; воспламенение; частицы; пленки; тепломассоперенос; воды; испарение влаги; термическое разложение
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: EDP Sciences
EDP Sciences
Citation: Afanaseva V. G. Mathematical modeling of ignition of coal-water slurries particles coated with water film / V. G. Afanaseva // MATEC Web of Conferences. — 2018. — Vol. 194 : Heat and Mass Transfer in the Thermal Control System of Technical and Technological Energy Equipment (HMTTSC 2018) : International Youth Scientific Conference, April 24-26, 2018, Tomsk, Russia : [proceedings]. — [01001, 5 p.].
Abstract: The results of the mathematical modeling of heat and mass transfer processes occurring jointly with ignition of coal-water slurries particles covered with a water film are presented. It is shown that water film thickness can have a significant effect on the ignition dynamics. In addition, it was found out that the main fuel layer is heated to the evaporation temperature during water film evaporation. As a result, following processes of thermal preparation (evaporation of moisture, thermal decomposition) occur faster.
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