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Title: Calculation of temperature distribution and effective temperature in high burnup fuel of WWER-1000
Authors: Kudrov, Alexander Ivanovich
Kuzmin, Arian Valerievich
Savitsky, Denis
Keywords: распределение; температура; топливо; ВВЭР-1000; реактивная мощность; ядерные реакторы; тепловые нагрузки; линейное приближение
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: EDP Sciences
EDP Sciences
Citation: Kudrov A. I. Calculation of temperature distribution and effective temperature in high burnup fuel of WWER-1000 / A. I. Kudrov, A. V. Kuzmin, D. Savitsky // MATEC Web of Conferences. — 2018. — Vol. 194 : Heat and Mass Transfer in the Thermal Control System of Technical and Technological Energy Equipment (HMTTSC 2018) : International Youth Scientific Conference, April 24-26, 2018, Tomsk, Russia : [proceedings]. — [01031, 4 p.].
Abstract: The problem of finding an effective temperature is highly important. This characteristic provides calculation of the power effect reactivity (PER), which defines safe and stable operation of nuclear reactor. The numerical experiment, which is considered on average and maximum heat load conditions, is put to find out changing of the effective temperature in the high burnup fuel of WWER-1000. In the course of the experiment mathematical statement of the problem is made, numerical solution of which is found with using the finite differences approximation of both control equations and border conditions. Also, the method of simple iteration is used for calculating temperature distributions, according to determination of the effective temperature. The linear approximation was obtained basing on effective and maximum temperatures depending on the burnup.
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