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Название: Polylactic acid films implantation into the anterior chamber of eye in vivo
Авторы: Filippova, Ekaterina Olegovna
Ivanova, Nina Mikhailovna
Pichugin, Vladimir Fyodorovich
Sun, Z.
Ключевые слова: имплантация; полимолочная кислота; морфология частиц; биоразлагаемые материалы; тканевая инженерия; тонкие пленки; полимерные композиты
Дата публикации: 2019
Издатель: IOP Publishing
Библиографическое описание: Polylactic acid films implantation into the anterior chamber of eye in vivo / E. O. Filippova [et al.] // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. — Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2019. — Vol. 597 : Prospects of Fundamental Sciences Development (PFSD-2019) : XVI International Conference of Students and Young Scientists, 23–26 April 2019, Tomsk, Russia : [proceedings]. — [012066, 5 p.].
Аннотация: The purpose of this research is the study of the influence of thin polylactic acid films implantation on the corneal morphology in vivo experiment. Studies were performed on 8 pubescent female Sylvilagus bachmani rabbits. Polylactic acid films were implanted into the anterior chamber of one animal eye. The feedstock for the films was obtained by dissolving polylactic acid in the chloroform. Before the implantation PLA films were sterilized. The overall duration of the in vivo experiment comprised 21 days. Such methods as visual check, photographic registration, non-contact ocular tonometry and optical coherent tomography of cornea were also used in course of the experiment. Sampling was performed on day 21 after the start of the experiment for morphology studying. Results showed that the implantation of the PLA films into the anterior chamber of eye does not induce an inflammatory reaction and does not increase an intraocular pressure. The study showed the possibility of PLA films using as a corneal implant.
URI: http://earchive.tpu.ru/handle/11683/56966
Располагается в коллекциях:Материалы конференций

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